In zoom sessions you will be gently and lovingly guided through deep subconscious deprogramming work. Energy psychology is cutting edge energy medicine that works to deprogramme our conditioned minds and the limiting beliefs we hold about ourselves and the world around us. We now know around 95% of our actions and behaviours are determined by our unconscious thoughts and beliefs.  This explains self-sabotaging behaviour and why our lives are not how we wish them to be even after reading self-help books, attending seminars and consciously wishing to change our lives.


You may be trying to create the life you desire, but these unconscious programmes keep you stuck repeating past patterns, and act as blocks to a greater more unlimited life.


Core beliefs may include “I’m not good enough”, “I’ll always be alone”, or “I don’t deserve….(money, love, success…).  These beliefs shape every area of our life, keep you stuck in the same old patterns, and create your reality.  The law of attraction is real, and you may be unwittingly attracting to you exactly what you don’t want: lack, scarcity and poverty consciousness.


 Release these blockages and gracefully shift into your natural state of love and abundance.  This is your birthright.  


Our bodies also hold the pain of repressed emotion and fear held inside from traumatic events in our lives. Limiting beliefs, heavy emotions, emotional pain, and negative thoughts are fields of energy within our systems.  All this can be rapidly cleansed and transformed in our powerful heart-opening energy sessions together.


In sessions I use advanced EFT protocols and mindset techniques for rapid transformation. 


EFT and Matrix Reimprinting are the fastest methods I have found in all my years of study, training and using energy medicine with clients to transform limiting beliefs. Light years ahead of traditional psychotherapy, these techniques serve to clear the root cause of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual dis-ease.  The process is magical, beautiful, and deeply loving as we work with source energy.



On a personal note, this has totally transformed my life: my relationship to self, my relationship to my family and loved ones, work, finances, my ability to create what I want, and my love affair with life. 


Energy medicine is a game changer, and many believe to be the most advanced, rapid cutting edge route to personal transformation available today.


This work is for you if you wish to:


Release negative thoughts

Transform limiting beliefs 

Release heavy emotions such as grief, despair, anger, resentment, fear

Release the baggage of past relationships 

Release blocks to financial prosperity

Increase abundance in all aspects of your life

Enjoy greater positivity: peace, love and joy

Increase energy 

Heal childhood wounding and trauma

Heal from disease

Learn to love and trust your body

Connect with your true self, the wisest part of you

Learn to listen to and trust your intuition

Love yourself unconditionally

Attract relationships of mutual love and respect


How much is your life worth to you? Are you ready to commit to



1 hour: £120

30 minutes: £80

Weekly sessions 4 x 1 hour: £360 (GBP) per month (£120 saving).

Weekly sessions 4 x 30 minutes: £240 per month (£80 saving).


All sessions are conducted by zoom


Book your complimentary 30 minute zoom consultation here.