I specialise in love and abundance.  I see in clients time and time again how interconnected these really are.  Your relationship with yourself dictates how much love you allow into your life.  How you value yourself dictates how much money you will feel you deserve.


Your beliefs about yourself, and about money shape your reality. Beliefs are the bedrock that either serve us or block us from having what we want in life. 


How would it feel to open your heart, love yourself unconditionally, and know you deserve the best in life?  How would your life change?


What would your life look like if you never had to worry about money?  How would it feel to relax, and be free to  spend your time and money doing what you love to do?


Money is our primary source of exchange on this planet, and yet you may be experiencing lack, scarcity and fear around your ability to receive it.  The energy of lack if a repellent, and blocks abundance.  If this is your story, I will work with you to release the blocks by specifically working on your beliefs around and relationship with money. When your beliefs about money change, so does your bank balance.  It is really that simple, if you do the inner work.


I am unique as a coach in that I am an intuitive, a trained energy healer, and a qualified practitioner of some of the most  cutting edge consciousness transforming techniques available today.  Having spent over 20 years studying and training in energy healing and personal development I now share with you the most advanced protocols for up-levelling your life.  


All programmes involve weekly one to one zoom sessions.  Unlike group programmes, these go deep and will be tailored specifically to your individual needs, for rapid results.


Love and Abundance Energy Healing & Coaching Programmes:


Self-Love and Personal Beauty click here.

Attract Love click here.

Money in Abundance click here.


To book your 30 minute complimentary zoom consultation click here.